Oil Cruet

A cruet (), also called a caster, is a small flat-bottomed vessel with a narrow neck. Cruets often have a lip or spout and may also have a handle. Unlike a small carafe, a cruet has a stopper or lid. Cruets are normally made of glass, ceramic, stainless steel, or copper.

Article Title : Cruet
Article Snippet :A cruet (/ˈkruːɪt/), also called a caster, is a small flat-bottomed vessel with a narrow neck. Cruets often have a lip or spout and may also have a handle
Article Title : Marquina non-drip oil bottle
Article Snippet :non-drip oil bottle or cruet (in Catalan: setrill antidegoteig de Marquina, in Spanish: aceitera antigoteo de Marquina) is a transparent and conical cruet designed
Article Title : Sugar caster
Article Snippet :table. The set would have a salt shaker, a pepper shaker, a vinegar cruet, an oil cruet, a sugar shaker, and a mayonnaise jar with spoon. The word is first
Article Title : Cruet-stand
Article Snippet :and often cruets or bottles of vinegar and olive oil. The stand and containers form a cruet set. A crystal cruet set, c.1930s/40s A modern cruet set Portal:
Article Title : Rafael Marquina
Article Snippet :non-drip oil cruet that, apart from the lovely design, is highly practical, i.e. it doesn't drip or get dirty. In 1961, Marquina invented the anti-drip oil/vinegar
Article Title : Kushikatsu
Article Snippet :sweeter than Worcestershire sauce, with mustard if they have it in the cruet stand. In Nagoya and its surrounding cities, they serve the local delicacy
Article Title : List of condiments
Article Snippet :Tartar sauce Mắm nêm Nước chấm Tương Food portal Society portal Lists portal Cruet-stand Garnish Ketchup as a vegetable National Mustard Museum Sachet Salt
Article Title : St Bartholomew's Church, Tong
Article Snippet :the provision of all the requisites for Eucharist: bread, wine, wax, oil, cruets, towels, etc. The statutes recognised that this double rôle of precentor
Article Title : List of occult terms
Article Snippet :an entity, often one which is worshipped or honored by the creator Altar cruet Altarpiece, a piece of art traditionally hung above Christian altars Alter
Article Title : List of mayonnaises
Article Snippet :dressing and also forms the base for many other sauces. It is an emulsion of oil, egg yolk, and an acid (usually vinegar or lemon juice). Baconnaise – Brand

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