
In geology, a nappe or thrust sheet is a large sheetlike body of rock that has been moved more than 2 km (1.2 mi) or 5 km (3.1 mi) above a thrust fault from its original position. Nappes form in compressional tectonic settings like continental collision zones or on the overriding plate in active subduction zones. Nappes form when a mass of rock is forced (or "thrust") over another rock mass, typically on a low angle fault plane. The resulting structure may include large-scale recumbent folds, shearing along the fault plane, imbricate thrust stacks, fensters and klippes. The term stems from the French word for tablecloth in allusion to a rumpled tablecloth being pushed across a table.

Article Title : Nappe
Article Snippet :In geology, a nappe or thrust sheet is a large sheetlike body of rock that has been moved more than 2 km (1.2 mi) or 5 km (3.1 mi) above a thrust fault
Article Title : Nappe (disambiguation)
Article Snippet :Look up nappe in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. A nappe, in geology, is a sheet of rock moved more than 2 km above a thrust fault. Nappe may also refer
Article Title : Orlando Nappe
Article Snippet :Orlando Nappe (c. 1931 in Buenos Aires – 2007) was an Argentine footballer. He capped 121 matches (as a defender and as a midfielder) scoring 11 goals
Article Title : Austroalpine nappes
Article Snippet :Austroalpine nappes are a geological nappe stack in the European Alps. The Alps contain three such stacks, of which the Austroalpine nappes are structurally
Article Title : Dent Blanche nappe
Article Snippet :The Dent Blanche nappe or Dent Blanche klippe is a geologic nappe and klippe that crops out in the Pennine Alps. The nappe is tectonostratigraphically
Article Title : Nappe (water)
Article Snippet :In hydraulic engineering, a nappe is a sheet or curtain of water that flows over a weir or dam. The upper and lower water surface have well-defined characteristics
Article Title : Penninic
Article Snippet :The Penninic nappes or the Penninicum, commonly abbreviated as Penninic, are one of three nappe stacks and geological zones in which the Alps can be divided
Article Title : Klippe
Article Snippet :terrains. The klippe is the remnant portion of a nappe after erosion has removed connecting portions of the nappe. This process results in an outlier of exotic
Article Title : Helvetic nappes
Article Snippet :The Helvetic nappes (German: Helvetische Decken) are a series of nappes in the Northern part of the Alps and part of the Helvetic zone. They consist of
Article Title : Gotthard nappe
Article Snippet :The Gotthard nappe (German: Gotthard-Decke, in older literature called the Gotthard Massif) is, in the geology of the Alps a nappe in the Helvetic zone

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