Boites A Bijoux

A bijou (plural: bijoux) from the French bijou (pl. bijoux) is an intricate jewellery piece incorporated into clothing, or worn by itself on the body.

Article Title : Bijou (jewellery)
Article Snippet :A bijou (plural: bijoux) from the French bijou (pl. bijoux) is an intricate jewellery piece incorporated into clothing, or worn by itself on the body.
Article Title : Philip Lasser
Article Snippet :string quartet (2001) Into Evening for trombone and harp (2001) La Boite de Bijoux for violin and piano (2000) Vocalise for violin and piano (arr.) (1999)
Article Title : Shawiya language
Article Snippet :Documents Berbères, 15–16, Paris, (1998), p. 284-312. Camps-Faber, H., Bijoux berbères d’Algérie. Grande-Kabylie et Aurès, Aix-en Provence, Edisud, (1990)
Article Title : List of Picasso artworks 1901–1910
Article Snippet :Evocation (L'enterrement de Casagemas) Femme aux bras croisés Femme aux bijoux Portrait de Bibi-la-pureé Bibi-la-purée assis Femme dans un café Café concert
Article Title : Miguel Ortiz Berrocal
Article Snippet :A collection of jewellery was presented at the Château de Seneffe in Belgium with the title Être ou ne pas être: Peintres ou Sculpteurs? Les bijoux des

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